Lesson Plan from Tuesday’s Class



Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: C. Rathbone

Context: Spontaneous class activity given discussion on planning DI.

Topic: Planning DI Curriculum

Age/Grade: College, Graduate Course

Time: 11:10am Class #2.


What are goals for myself and my teaching?

To take the mystique out of planning DI.

To use the group as both subject and object in a DI lesson plan.

To demonstrate how a lesson might come together in a real planning sequence.

To see the relationship between lesson objective and essential idea.

Learning Objective(s):

What do you want students to know, understand and be able to do as a result?

I want the students to know several dimensions of curriculum planning by being able to define in writing the meaning of content, process, and product in curriculum planning.

What attitudes and dispositions will result?

Students will feel better about how to plan DI.

Students with no classroom teaching experience will be less daunted or freaked out by the prospect of having to plan a sequence of DI lessons.

Students with classroom experience will derive some measure of comfort that what they are doing is the right thing to do.

Assessment of stated objectives:

How will you tell whether students know and can do what your objectives state?

Students will complete a constructed response assessment using correct definitions of terms.


These standards and their criteria correspond to the learning objectives you have for your students.

Resources: (e.g. Print, Visual, Software, Other)

Overhead projector, overheads.

Teaching-Learning Procedures:

•How will you start the lesson? (Consider set-up, motivation, establishing a frame of reference, getting students’ attention, etc.)

1. Tell them I’m making a shift in plans based on our discussion of the KWL. Try to excite them with my incredible flexibility! Tell them we’ll use ourselves as both the subject and object of this design work.

2. Write and explain this essential idea on the board:

Human beings learn better when teaching and learning is tailored to their individual needs, interests, and abilities.

3. Write and explain the specific objective for this task:

The purpose of this activity is for us (subjects) to plan several learning activities that are differentiated for us as the group of learners (objects). The objective of this lesson is that when concluded, each person be able to look at a curriculum unit and correctly identify by means of a short open-ended writing assignment, the process, product, and content dimensions of the curriculum unit.

•How will you plan the lesson to support and differentiate for students of multiple abilities, styles + interests?

1. I will move out of the chair of central focus more into the group so I am better perceived as working with them – facilitation.

2. I plan to use information we’ve already generated about ourselves as the basis to plan a lesson that demonstrates differentiation in its process so that they have a better understanding of curricular content, process, and product.

•What will you and the students do during the lesson?

1. Generate what we know about ourselves as learners using material from yesterday’s class: interest inventory, MI survey, observational information.

2. Have them begin to think about activities that might engage us, given what we know about ourselves, in the study of process, product, and content. List, discuss, and explain the possibilities as they come from the group. Generate several different activities.

3. Draw the ideas together, create a lesson flow from start to end. Use their suggestions.

•How will you conclude the lesson? (Consider summarizing, connecting to future lessons, assessment, etc.)

1. Show how what we generated was an example of differentiation. Tie our example back to both the big idea and the lesson objective. Do all this verbally.

•Describe any challenging classroom management issues that may occur.

1. Students might lose focus because the action is exclusively verbal.

2. Confusion for less experienced members of the group.

3. More experienced members might take over and run with the lesson exclusively.

4. Might be too abstract resulting in loss of interest or even discouragement on the part of some students.

Attach any teaching materials or resources you will need to teach the lesson.

Assessment Evidence:

•What evidence do you have of students’ learning?

1. Everyone participated. More silent member of the group right on task when queried.

2. Good tolerance for ambiguity during grouping and activity discussion – jigsaw or straight groupwork, how to demonstrate competence (form of product), etc… .

•What did the students say or do that indicated they met the objectives?

1. Generated a correct list of definitions on the overhead.

2. Nodded agreement relative to one questions about differentiating by process and product.

3. Requests for specific plans.

•What criteria did you use?

Verbal criteria.

Self-Assessment: (The questions you ask yourself, in this section, provide the outline for your lesson reflection.)

•Did you find the lesson valuable, how will you know, and what will be your evidence?

1. I thought the lesson grounded our more abstract discussions. Class was clearly engaged, questioning as we went along, offering lots of suggestions relative to planning, stopping the flow to ask very relevant questions, asking for help when needed, offering assistance when called for.

•What would you change to improve future lessons?

1. Write this out before hand.

2. Think through the assessment issues a little more carefully, especially that of learner profile.

3. Actually do the written assessment.

•Were your goals met? I think so. They know more about process, content, and product than before the lesson started.

•How will you examine the lesson from your students’ point of view?

See if they employ the terms correctly tomorrow when we look at an actual unit.

•How did you ensure that the lesson was equitable? Asked quieter students to jump in. But, the more experienced students may have been shortchanged. Have no way of knowing whether this was old hat to them or not.

•Did all students participate and were all students engaged? Mostly yes.

•Unexpected outcomes?

Panic revealed. This was a hard stretch for the students who have not taught. But their concern helped focus our next steps.

Gave the vets a chance to talk about the real world of teaching, the non-theoretical world of teaching.

Heard that last class had a negative cast to it that I had not perceived.

Have to teach lesson planning and provide examples of DI lessons.


•What objectives will come next?

Follow up with actual units…see if proper identifications can be made.

•What home or school assignment would you give?

1. Further reading.

2. See if activity is mentioned in comments (unobtrusive measure).

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