Topics from Berliner’s Two Articles

Berliner’s Topics

The general failure to take the abstract and partial understandings of educational psychology and make them re-comprehensible to practical people is an unfortunate, unpleasant, and, I believe, a continuing part of our history .

Bruner …identified storytelling as one of two fundamentally different modes of human thought, standing in contrast to the analytic, linear way of thinking prevalent in logic, mathematics, and the sciences. …One has formal means to verify truth, the other establishes only verisimilitude; one seeks explications that are context fee and universal, and the other seeks explications that are context sensitive and particular.

Stories are powerful research tools. They provide us with a picture of real people in real situations, struggling with real problems. They banish the indifference often generated by samples, treatments, and faceless subjects. They invite us to speculate on what might have been changed and with what effect. And, of course, they remind us of our persistent fallibility

1. time on task – Barak Rosenshine, Charles Fischer, David Berliner

2. multiple intelligences – Howard Gardner

3. zone of proximal development – Lev Vygotsky

4. accommodation and assimilation – Jean Piaget

5. authentic assessment

6. Lewin’s interactive theory – Kurt Lewin

7. expectancy x value motivational theory – Jacquelynne Eccles and Allan Wigfield

8. Carroll’s model of learning: the opportunity to learn – John Carroll

9. mastery learning – Madelyn Hunter, Benjamin Bloom

10. aptitude treatment interactions – Richard Snow

11. testing effects

12. retention

13. expectations states theory – Rosenthal, Berger

14. Weikart’s High-Scope Program early childhood education effects – David Weikart

15. effective instruction – Ron Edmonds

16. class size – Gene Glass

17. cooperative learning – David and Roger Johnson, Robert Slavin, Elizabeth Cohen, Rachel Lotan, Spencer Kagan

18. direct instruction – Barak Rosenshine

19. cross-age tutoring –

20. reciprocal teaching – Ann Marie Palascar


21. universal design principles

22. Clark’s research on African-American self-esteem – Mamie Clark, Kenneth Clark

23. Circles of Courage – Larry Brendtro

24. differentiated instruction – Carol Tomlinson, Linda Heacox

25. self-efficacy and social skills teaching – Albert Bandura

26. democratic models of classroom discipline – Rudolf Dreikurs, Jane Nelsen

27. control theory – Wm. Glasser

28. teaching wide ranges of ability

multiage teaching

project based learning

differentiated instruction

“active learning”

expeditionary learning

place based education

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