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Seminar in Educational Psychology (EdFS 377)

Luis Moll #2

Posted: June 30th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

Using Family As An Academic Partner: Conference Speech

Luis Moll

Posted: June 30th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

Funds of Knowledge

Post Modern Critique of Psych. Theory

Posted: June 28th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

Feminist critique from Dana Brunanski, a third year student at Simon Fraser University.

Class #1, Monday, June 27th

Posted: June 27th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

I thought the discussions today showed just how divergent we are in terms of our

background experiences,

years on the job,

disciplinary specializations,

program affiliations, sex (thank you, Leo) and

areas of teaching experience (for those of us with teaching experience).

I am looking forward to getting more specific about areas of immediate interest.

Also, I’m thinking we might add a focus on the culture of poverty, particularly generational poverty. Might it be helpful to look at some of what the research literature has to say about what people from vastly differing socioeconomic circumstances do to cope with what society has to offer for them. And, what successful schools and teachers have done with these populations?


Poster Examples from Sm04.

Posted: June 25th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

Linda’s Project.


Jennifer’s Construction.


Lisa’s Poster.


Mary’s Team Project.


Teacher Photo

Posted: June 24th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone


Just in case you want to identify your professor!

Using the discussion category…

Posted: June 24th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

This category is intended for you to raise general discussions about course content. Feel free to add a respectful comment, question, or reflection that is inspired by class activity.

Daily Topics and Assigned Readings

Posted: June 24th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

Monday, June 27th

Greetings and Introductions

Orientation to Seminar

Class Schedule


Reading and Discussion

CR Time


Project Work

Content: The Tensions of Ed. Psych. (CR)

Assignments for Tuesday:




Read handout: The 100 Year History of Educational Psychology by David Berliner. Draft a reflection as specified in assignments.

Tuesday, June 28th

Meeting: Clarifying Assignments

Reading and Discussion Groups: 100 years of…

Groupwork: Getting the Major Thoughts Out On The Table – role play

Content (cr): The Conditions Necessary For Learning

Assignments for Wednesday:

Meier – through 91

AE – check out topic guide (xii-xiii)

plan to talk through area of interest

Wednesday, June 29th

No formal class. Continue with reading

Meeting with Charlie for 20 minutes to talk about project






Thursday, June 30th


Reading and Discussion Groups: What makes CPE work? How does this learning setting compare (same/different) with ones you know about? (Don’t forget what you bring to the setting.)

Content: The Forgotten Basics…lessons from multiage settings

Project Work:





Friday, July 1st


Reading and Discussion Groups:

Content: Conceptual Systems, Schema, and Developmental Theory

Project Work:





Tuesday, July 5th


Reading and Discussion Groups: What Insights Do We Gain From These Two Chapters On Impacting Student Groups Whose Cultures Vary From Our Own? Specifically, Cultures of Generational Poverty.

Content: Conceptual Systems,Cognitive Structures, and Developmental Theory

Project Work: Computer Lab Available for Scanning, Web Work, PPt, etc.


Vygotsky: Chapter 4. The Zone of Proximal Development

AE: Multiple Intelligence Theory

Wednesday, July 6th


Reading and Discussion Groups:

Content: Expectation States: Beyond Cooperation

Project Presentations:

Assignments: The Dottie Story

Vygotsky: Chapter 5. Intersubjectivity


Thursday, July 7th


Reading and Discussion Groups:

Content: Equity Strategy #1: Structuring Effective Groupwork.

Project Presentations:

Assignments: A CI Write-up.

Vygotsky: Chapter 7. Mentoring


Friday, July 8th


Reading and Discussion Groups:


Project Presentations:

Poster Session:


Posted: June 24th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone

Studenting 20%

1. Come to class each day. If you know you aren’t going to be able to attend, please let me know at least 24hrs. before hand.

2. Do the readings. Do the reflections. Take manageable chunks and do them well. “Do” = read, think, connect, share, understand. Use specific references to texts.

3. Know your own expertise. Contribute to group discussions. Value the expertise of others. No one is as smart as all of us are together.

4. Participate in class discussions and class comments.

Nightly Readings 20%

1. Read assigned readings each night.

2. Choose a section from one of the readings to focus upon. Write out what it was about that section that caught your eye and why; and how the section connects to other areas we’ve been discussing. Length = one page side single spaced wp.

3. Share your insights with your group.

Personal Project 40%

Identify an interest area that will strengthen your work. Research the area. Prepare a report that meets the following criteria.

1. Identify areas of educational psychology that inform the report.

2a. Identify your area of interest.

2b. Identify why it was chosen.

2c. Identify what you want to find out. Be behaviorally specific.

3a. Summarize what you found out.

3b. Include information from different vantage points if possible.

3c. Seek other sources besides course materials – maximum of 4 including one written. Cite sources using footnotes.

4. Conclude in at least two ways: a) an explanation of how where you ended up is different from where you thought you’d end up, and b) specific statements about how your “work” might shift as a result of what you have learned.

5. Present your project to the group: fifteen minutes, one page overview handout for everyone.

Note: The final form of this project need not be written. It could be reported and presented in a form of your choice eg. powerpoint, visual display, iMovie, oral report with notes plus visual supports, etc.

Reflective Presentation: Vygotsky or Meier or both 10%

1. poster format

2. focuses on text that resonates with you

3. shows connections to your own prior knowledge

4. visually communicates how your personal/professional understanding has been deepened through the reading

5. may be done with partner(s)

You can see several examples from last summer under the resource category.

Class Commentary 10%

Please set yourself a goal of commenting on at least three of our classes. You can do this in the Discussion Category by clicking on “comment” to the lead statement I will put in there after every day’s class.

Project Rubric

Posted: June 15th, 2005 by Charles Rathbone






Ed. Psych.



  • areas of ed. psych. ignored
  • generalized
  • one or two areas mentioned
  • specific areas mentioned
  • three or more
Area of Interest (2)

  • one or no criteria met
  • two criteria met
  • accurate
  • some behavioral specificity
  • three criteria met
  • accurate and behaviorally specific


  • opinion
  • lacks support
  • generalized
  • accurate summary
  • four other sources
  • accurate summary
  • four other sources
  • varied viewpoints present


  • lacking or unclear
  • generalized
  • some mention of change of work or
  • shift in focus noted
  • specific shifts noted from start to finish
  • behavioral changes in work noted



  • generalized
  • rambling
  • no one-pager
  • poster format ?
  • focused
  • fifteen minutes
  • one-pager
  • poster format
  • focused
  • fifteen minutes
  • one pager
  • all connection clear
  • poster format

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