Luis Moll #2

Using Family As An Academic Partner: Conference Speech

Luis Moll

Funds of Knowledge

Post Modern Critique of Psych. Theory

Feminist critique from Dana Brunanski, a third year student at Simon Fraser University.

Class #1, Monday, June 27th

I thought the discussions today showed just how divergent we are in terms of our background experiences, years on the job, disciplinary specializations, program affiliations, sex (thank you, Leo) and areas of teaching experience (for those of us with teaching experience). I am looking forward to getting more specific about areas of immediate interest. Also, […]

Poster Examples from Sm04.

Linda’s Project. Jennifer’s Construction. Lisa’s Poster. Mary’s Team Project.

Teacher Photo

Just in case you want to identify your professor!

Using the discussion category…

This category is intended for you to raise general discussions about course content. Feel free to add a respectful comment, question, or reflection that is inspired by class activity.

Daily Topics and Assigned Readings

Monday, June 27th Greetings and Introductions Orientation to Seminar Class Schedule Meeting Reading and Discussion CR Time Groupwork Project Work Content: The Tensions of Ed. Psych. (CR) Assignments for Tuesday: Meier Vygotsky AE: Read handout: The 100 Year History of Educational Psychology by David Berliner. Draft a reflection as specified in assignments. Tuesday, June 28th […]


Studenting 20% 1. Come to class each day. If you know you aren’t going to be able to attend, please let me know at least 24hrs. before hand. 2. Do the readings. Do the reflections. Take manageable chunks and do them well. “Do” = read, think, connect, share, understand. Use specific references to texts. 3. […]

Project Rubric

Needs Improvement Good         Excellent Criteria Ed. Psych. Areas (1) areas of ed. psych. ignored generalized one or two areas mentioned specific areas mentioned three or more Area of Interest (2) one or no criteria met two criteria met accurate some behavioral specificity three criteria met accurate and behaviorally specific Findings (3) opinion lacks support generalized […]