Next to Centennial Brook

My location can be found in Centennial Woods next to Centennial Brook. To get here, you enter the woods from the main entrance. You continue down the marked paths and bridges until you reach the first hill which leads up towards the tree with barbed wire growing out of it. Instead of going up this hill, you take the trail which leads around it and veers off to the left. You stop when you reach the area closest to where the path meets the Centennial Brook. I like how this area feels tucked away yet still has open space and water.
There are a variety of species living within this area. Some common trees were Sugar Maples, Eastern Hemlocks, and Red Osier Dogwoods. Ferns grew in large clumps, I catalogued the Intermediate Wood Fern and the Interrupted Fern. Along the waterline featured in my picture there are a variety of low-lying plants. The most frequent was Common Jewelweed, which sprawled across much of the open space on the ground. Some others were Oriental Bittersweet and Common Buckthorn.

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