“First” Visit in October 6, 2018

Fall is on its way as the leaves slowly turn yellow and orange. Also, the classic Vermont rainy weather is active.

October 22, 2018

Winter is coming. The leaves are falling and changing colors. Weather is cloudy and about 50 degrees F

October 31, 2018

I decided to take some night photography of my place before going out for Halloween. The contrasts of the colors of the leaves were beautiful on the forest floor.

November 13, 2018

The afternoon was very cool and crisp. Wearing only a flannel, my hands went numb trying to take these pictures. I can only imagine how cold the temperature of the stream is. The leaves litter the ground, nurturing the soil for next spring.


December 8, 2018

Last visit to my site to wrap up the project. Winter is definitely in full swing. The stream is slowly becoming frozen over, and it took some trekking to get through the snow.